Bernhard Haidacher

Dr. phil., Mag. phil.

* Innsbruck, 14/12/1967

Independent researcher in French and Italian linguistics, research interests in the fields of metaphors, diachronic linguistics (etymology), languages for specific purposes, morphology, word formation, semantics and lexicology.

Santifallerstraße 2/Top 28
6020 Innsbruck (Tyrol), Austria

Academic Curriculum Vitae

1987–1991 Study of Medicine at University Innsbruck (Preclinic)
1991–1994 Romance Philology (French), Elected subjects instead of a second field of studies at University Innsbruck (Latin and Ancient Greek)
09/1994 Italian Studies (supplementary studies; 1st part)

2010–2014 Doctoral Programme Linguistics and Media Studies (French)
10/13/2014 Doctoral Thesis Defense
1994–1995 Università degli Studi Roma III, Italy (scholarship, Academy of Sciences)
02/13/2006 Exam of bilingualism, Italian and German (diploma di laurea, PhD), Bolzano
09/1994 Italian Studies (supplementary studies; 1st part)
05/14/1994 Magister philosophiae (Romance languages/French linguistics), master thesis on spoken and written French ("Français écrit, français parlé: le français du dialogue dans les manuels")
10/2014 Doctor philosophiae (Dr. phil.), Leopold Franzens University Innsbruck, thesis on French metaphors in languages for specific purposes by means of the term cash in French and German ("Bargeldmetaphern im Französischen: Eine kontrastive Untersuchung zur interlingual divergierenden Metaphorik")
1994–1995 Rom Stipendium, grant awarded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (eight months) (Historical and Cultural Austrian Institute at Rome and University Roma Tre)
2009–2010 Excellence Grant (Doctoral programme), Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies (University Innsbruck)
2010–2011 Excellence Grant (Doctoral programme), Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies (University Innsbruck)
2015 Publication grant, Vicerectorate for teaching and research (University Innsbruck)
1994 Academic Trainee
1993–2004 Private Schools (Austria/Tyrol)
1996–1999 Course instructor (Business Promotion Institute; WIFI) (French and German)
1998 Course instructor at University of Innsbruck (summer school), German as foreign language
2000–2002 Project assistant at university library (Innsbruck)
2006–2012 Teacher at several secondary schools in Trentino-South Tyrol (Italy)
2009-12-01 up to present Research Project leader P33273-GBL (Private academic); The confixes agro-, hydro- and phyto- in French. (Private/Tyrol)
07/2015 20th European Symposium on Languages for Special Purposes (8th–10th July 2015), "Multilingualism in Specialized Communication: Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Age"; University Vienna, speech on "Spices, liquids, countable silver and warning confidence".
09/2015 50th Linguistic Colloquium (3rd–5th September 2015; University of Innsbruck), "Sprache verstehen, verwenden, übersetzen", speech on "Geldmetaphern als Verbindung 'unvereinbarer' Konzeptentitäten?"
10/2018 44th Austrian Linguistics Conference (26th–28th October 2018; University of Innsbruck), speech on "Das Konzept 'Konfix' im Deutschen u. i. den Romanischen Sprachen (Französisch und Italienisch). Ein Sprachvergleich der Morphemkategorie."
03/2021 Limes 2021 (25th–27th March 2021; University of Jena), speech on "Das Konzept Konfix im Französischen."
10/2021 Romanistentag Augsburg 2021: Sektion „Neue theoretische Perspektiven der Sprachkontaktforschung“ (4th–7th October 2021; University of Würzburg), speech on „Konfixe als Ausdruck sprachlicher Globalisierung?“
12/2021 46. Österreichische Linguistik-Tagung (9th–12th December 2021; University of Vienna), speech on „Zur Wortbildungs­bedeutung“.
09/2022 IX. Internationale Arbeitstagung „Romanisch-deutscher und innerromanischer Sprachvergleich“ (7th–10th September 2022; University of Innsbruck), speech on „Gebundene neoklassische Morpheme im Französischen und Italienischen.“

German (mother tongue), French (C1), Italian (C1), English (B2), Latin, Ancient Greek